If you are creating your own ad these are the details you will need to know:
All ads are CMYK
Most Important- Create ad in CMYK and Use only 100% K in black text.
Camera ready art should be saved as a TIF or PDF. At least 8pt type is best.
Ads will be adjusted to fit if not correct.
Do not save BW or Greyscale or RGB in CMYK mode.
Pixel sizes are listed width by height
Full Page is 5000X5250 1/2 page horizontal is 5000X2563 1/2 page vertical is 2382 X 5263
1/3 page is 1625X5250 1/4 page is 2375X2563 1/6 page is 1563X2563
1/9 page is 1500X1500
(9th page ads are limited to one logo or simple graphic for aesthetic reasons)
Ad creation is only an additional 15% of the price of the ad…
( unless you decide to advertise the same day you receive the rates, and then it is free!!)
To help us create the ad: Please submit art and a logo to art@pineywoodslife.com
please include advertiser name and issue in the subject line of the email.
View below or click here to open the PDF version of the contract, details graphic specifications & ad sizes.
PWL shall not be responsible for any artwork that is not created by PWL reserves the right to refuse any content not suitable. Advertiser agrees to distribute magazines in the location advertised. Ad considered approved after 24 hours if changes are not received via e-mail. Advertiser assures publisher rights were acquired on all supplied materials.
If you wish to create your own ad please read below so the ad will be good to go once we receive it:
Most Important- Create ad in CMYK and Use only 100% K in text.
Camera ready art should be JPG, PNG, TIF or PDF. At least 8pt type is best. Ads will be adjusted to fit if not correct. Earliest submissions get preferred placement. All objects must stay within margins. Art should be at 500DPI. Do not save BW or Greyscale in RGB or CMYK mode. Use only 100% K in text only.
ADOBE PDF/X-1A All fonts must be embedded, SWOP color output. INDESIGN CS3 INDD All supporting files must be packaged (images/fonts); raster images must be 500 dpi at 100 percent scale. ILLUSTRATOR CS3 EPS OR AI All supporting files must be collected (images/fonts) or embedded (images) and outlined (fonts). PHOTOSHOP CS3 TIFF OR EPS Images must be 500 dpi at 100 percent scale.
PLEASE SUBMIT ADS by materials close deadline. Artwork charges may occur if materials are late.
EMAIL ads@pineywoodslife.com; include advertiser name and issue in the subject line. (FTP Please contact your sales rep for instructions.)
publisher@pineywoodslife.com (903) 347-3869